Im Moment bin ich dabei, für die Missy ein nettes Schnittmuster für ein Erstkommunionkleid (Kommunionkleid) zu finden. Dieses hier finden wir schon mal toll :-)
Ich habe bereits einen weich fallenden, bestickten Crinkle-Baumwollstoff gekauft und den könnte ich mir mit diesem Schnittmuster gut vorstellen. Entweder würde ich das Kleid dann knöchellang verlängern oder einen langen Unterrock dazu nähen. Letztere Variante hätte den Vorteil, dass die Missy nach der Kirche dann gleich das kurze Kleid an hätte. Wißt ihr, was ich meine?
Schnittmuster: Ottobre 3/2014, Modell 35 in Gr. 128
Stoff: Farbenmix, BW
My Little Missy
Mädchen- und Mama-Nähkram
Sonntag, 15. März 2015
Sonntag, 8. März 2015
deutsche Knipmode - Pullover
Neulich beim Morawa habe ich ein neues, jedoch sehr vertraut aussehendes Nähheft gefunden: "fashion Style - die Mode zum Selbernähen". Es hat mich sofort an das Desig bzw. Layout der Knipmode erinnert. Bis letzten Sommer hatte ich noch ein umständliches und teures Abo über Deutschland nach Österreich. Jetzt gibt es sie auf Deutsch! Yay!
Mein erstes Werk aus der fashion Style (0815 öder Name, oder?) ist dieser Pulli mit V-Ausschnitt (doppelte Blende).
Stoff: Komolka Wien, Reststück
Schnittmuster: Modell 22 in Gr. 34 aus der fashion Style 02/2015.
Mein erstes Werk aus der fashion Style (0815 öder Name, oder?) ist dieser Pulli mit V-Ausschnitt (doppelte Blende).
Stoff: Komolka Wien, Reststück
Schnittmuster: Modell 22 in Gr. 34 aus der fashion Style 02/2015.
Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015
So what happened last fall and this winter?
Concerning sewing I was quite unmotivated and therefore unproductive. Which does not mean that I didn´t produce anything wearable ;-)

When school started in September, the Missy was in need of some T-Shirts (see pic above). I made some with 3/4 long sleeves and some with long sleeves - with either raglan or normal style sleeves. Nothing special but the print of the fabric made them very popular with the Missy.
Next came some warm jumpers for Winter. The ones you can see here were all made with warm sweatshirt fabric and some lace. They actually look a lot better in real and "in action" than here on the hangers, plus they have been worn and washed many times already.
Some of the things I made for the little Missy:

When school started in September, the Missy was in need of some T-Shirts (see pic above). I made some with 3/4 long sleeves and some with long sleeves - with either raglan or normal style sleeves. Nothing special but the print of the fabric made them very popular with the Missy.
Next came some warm jumpers for Winter. The ones you can see here were all made with warm sweatshirt fabric and some lace. They actually look a lot better in real and "in action" than here on the hangers, plus they have been worn and washed many times already.
Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015
long time no see
hello there :-)
remember me?
It would seem like I took a sewing break in those last 6 months, well, that is almost true. I only made a handful of kids t-shirts and sweatshirts which are well loved by the missy but never seemed to make it in front of the camera.

I started on this dress during the Xmas holidays and it has been hanging over the dress form for a week as I thought it looked a bit boring and I had no idea on what to do with it. Then I felt like flicking through my crochet magazines and it hit me: a crochet collar. It being a saturday evening in Austria with all handycraft stores closed, I had to work with what I had at home - thus making the collar a bit chunkier than it was supposed to be :o)
Pattern: Ottobre design woman 5/2013, Model 4 knit dress with raglan sleeves, size 34
Crochet collar: from a japanese craft book, ISBN978-4-8347-3542-0
remember me?
It would seem like I took a sewing break in those last 6 months, well, that is almost true. I only made a handful of kids t-shirts and sweatshirts which are well loved by the missy but never seemed to make it in front of the camera.

I started on this dress during the Xmas holidays and it has been hanging over the dress form for a week as I thought it looked a bit boring and I had no idea on what to do with it. Then I felt like flicking through my crochet magazines and it hit me: a crochet collar. It being a saturday evening in Austria with all handycraft stores closed, I had to work with what I had at home - thus making the collar a bit chunkier than it was supposed to be :o)
Pattern: Ottobre design woman 5/2013, Model 4 knit dress with raglan sleeves, size 34
Crochet collar: from a japanese craft book, ISBN978-4-8347-3542-0
Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014
Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014
Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014
I have used this pattern before - here - it´s the same size and I only made the ruffle part longer and used stretch instead of single jersey. I also accentuated the seams and the bottom hem with foe (fold-over-elastic).
This is Butterick B5913, sz 6 years
This is Butterick B5913, sz 6 years
Samstag, 12. Juli 2014
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